I Clean My Air Ducts Once Per Year

There are certain chores around the house that take a lot of time and effort, so I do them once per year.

  • For example, cleaning the baseboards is something that doesn’t need to be done often, but it does need to get done.

It’s a less than desirable chore, so I pick one day out of the year to commit to washing off the baseboards. Another example is cleaning my ductwork. Ductwork can get really dusty and congested, so it’s important to clean them out in order to keep the air within the house clean and safe. Taking care of my ductwork takes an entire day and it’s very tedious. I start by cleaning out the inside of the ductwork with soapy hot water. All the dust is removed and the inside is sanitized and clean. Then, I clean the air vents and their covers. A lot of dust and dirt can build up on the outside of the air vents throughout the year, so it’s important to remove it so it isn’t entering the air. Afterwards, I go around and inspect the outside of the air ducts for leaks. If I find holes, I seal them properly in order to make sure my HVAC treated air isn’t escaping. I started doing this when I realized how much air I was losing through tiny little holes in the ductwork. Doing all of these things takes a lot of time and effort, which is why I only do it once per year, but I feel like it makes a drastic difference in my home’s air quality.

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